
盛凤;Kim HaKyung;孙靖雯;黄昭鸣;



<正>半阻塞声道训练(semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, SOVTE)在国外被广泛运用于功能性发声障碍、单侧声带麻痹、声带小结等嗓音障碍的治疗[1,2]。SOVTE可以降低声带闭合的撞击力,减小或增加声带接触率(CQ),改善音质,提高响度等[3,4];同时,SOVTE也常用于歌手等职业用嗓者的日常“暖嗓”中,帮助形成更响亮清晰的声音[5]。SOVTE通过唇舌、鼻腔、管子等方式形成声道远端的部分阻塞,
盛凤;Kim HaKyung;孙靖雯;黄昭鸣;

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2 Guzman M,Higueras D,Fincheira CB,et al.Immediate acoustic effects of straw phonation exercises in subjects with dysphonic voices[J].Logoped Phoniatr Vocol,2013,38(1):35-45.

3 Andrey R,Ghirardi AC,Reiser M,et al.An exact analytical model for the relationship between flow resistance and geometric properties of tubes used in semi-occluded vocal tract exercises[J].J Voice,2019,33(3):585-590.

4 Titze IR.Voice training and therapy with a semi-occluded vocal tract:rationale and scientific underpinnings[J].J Speech Lang Hear Res,2006,49(4):448-459.

5 Manternach N,Daugherty JF.Effects of a straw phonation protocol on acoustic and perceptual measures of an SATB chorus[J].J Voice,2019,33(1):80-86.

6 Clifford DT,Jeff S.Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises:aerodynamic and electroglottographic measurements in singers[J].J Voice,2015,29(2):155-164.

7 Iris M,Van L,Peeters K,et al.Short-term effect of two semi-occluded vocal tract training programs on the vocal quality of future occupational voice users:"resonant voice training using nasal consonants" versus "straw phonation"[J].J Speech Lang Hear Res,2017,60(9):2519-2536.

8 Titze IR,Laukkanen AM.Can vocal economy in phonation be increased with an artificially lengthened vocal tract?A computer modeling study[J].Logoped Phoniatr Vocol,2007,32(4):147-56.

9 Gaskill CS,Quinney DM.The effect of resonance tubes on glottal contact quotient with and without task instruction:a comparison of trained and untrained voices[J].J Voice,2012,26(3):79-93.

10 Guzman M,Calvache C,Romero L,et al.Do different semi-occluded voice exercises affect vocal fold adduction differently in subjects diagnosed with hyperfunctional dysphonia[J]?Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica,2016,67(2):68-75.

11 Titze IR.Phonation threshold pressure measurement with a semi-occluded vocal tract[J].J Speech Lang Hear Res,2009,52(4):1062-1072.

12 Titze IR.A theoretical study of F0-F1 interaction with application to resonant speaking and singing voice[J].Journal of Voice,2004,18(3):292-298.

13 Andrade PA,Gary W,Ratcliffe P,et al.Electroglottographic study of seven semi-occluded exercises:Laxvox,straw,lip-trill,tongue-trill,humming,hand-over-mouth,and tongue-trill combined with hand-over-mouth[J].J Voice,2014,28(11):589-595.

14 Eva M,Lea M,Ben B.Lax vox as a voice training program for teachers:a pilot study[J].J Voice,2017,31(2):262-271.

15 Laukkanen A,Titze IR,Hoffman H,et al.Effects of a semi-occluded vocal tract on laryngeal muscle activity and glottal adduction in a single female subject[J].Folia Phoniatr Logop,2008,60(6):298-311.

16 Guzmán M,Castro C,Sofia M,et al.Air pressure and contact quotient measures during different semioccluded postures in subjects with different voice conditions[J].J Voice,2016,30(6):759.

17 Tangney J,Scholp A,Kang J,et al.Effects of varying lengths and diameters during straw phonation on an excised canine model[J].Journal of Voice,2021,35(1):85-93.

18 Granqvis St,Simberg S,Stellan H,et al.Resonance tube phonation in water:high-speed imaging,electroglottographic and oral pressure observations of vocal fold vibrations—a pilot study[J].Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology,2015,40(3):113-121.

19 Smith K,Hunter EJ,Gadenz CD,et al.A randomized controlled trial of two semioccluded vocal tract voice therapy protocols[J].J Speech Lang Hear Res,2015,58(3):535-549.

20 Guzmán M,Jara R,Olavarria C,et al.Efficacy of water resistance therapy in subjects diagnosed with behavioral dysphonia:a randomized controlled trial[J].J Voice,2017,31(3):385-395.

21 Iris M,Van L,Ketels J,et al.Effect of three semi-occluded vocal tract therapy programmes on the phonation of patients with dysphonia:lip trill,water-resistance therapy and straw phonation[J].Int J Lang Commun Disord,2019,54(1):50-61.

22 Wu C,Chan RW.Effects of a 6-week straw phonation in water exercise program on the aging voice[J].J Speech Lang Hear Res,2020,63(4):1018-1032.

23 Echternach M,Raschka J,Liudmila K,et al.Immediate effects of water resistance therapy on patients with vocal fold mass lesions[J].European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology,2020,277(7):1995-2003.

24 Mills R,Hays C,Jehad A,et al.Validation and evaluation of the effects of semi-occluded face mask straw phonation therapy methods on aerodynamic parameters in comparison to traditional methods[J].J Voice,2017,31(3):323-328.

25 Frisancho K,Salfate L,Lizana K,et al.Immediate effects of the semi-occluded ventilation mask on subjects diagnosed with functional dysphonia and subjects with normal voices[J].J Voice,2020,34(3):398-409.

26 Saters TL,Ribeiro VV,Siqueira LTD,et al.Iced oral high-frequency oscillation technique’s immediate effect on individuals with dysphonic and normal voices[J].J Voice,2018,32(6):449-458.

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29 Gaskill CS,Erickson ML.The effect of a voiced lip trill on estimated glottal closed quotient[J].J Voice,2008,22(6):634-643.

30 Barrichelo,Viviane MO,Paulo S,et al.Perceptual identification and acoustic measures of the resonant voice based on “Lessac’s Y-Buzz”—a preliminary study with actors[J].J Voice,2007,21(1):46-53.

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33 Guzman M,Bertucci T,Constanza P,et al.Effectiveness of a physiologic voice therapy program based on different semioccluded vocal tract exercises in subjects with behavioral dysphonia:a randomized controlled trial[J].J Commun Disord,2020,87(9):106-123.





盛凤Kim HaKyung孙靖雯黄昭鸣